Lolo Jones stayed overseas after her difficult Olympic finals race, where she clipped a hurdle, but now she's back in Iowa. Lolo made her return public, on SoundOff Sunday night.

Moments after stepping off a plane, the Roosevelt alum joined Keith Murphy and Andy Fales in the Channel 13 studios. She says emails from home helped her get through a rough spot, after losing the gold medal at the summer games.

Lolo told Keith that it was hard to face reporters during interviews after the race, but she knew it was important to have a positive outlook. "In the back of my mind, I'm going to learn so much from this. I'm going to come back stronger and then what's even crazier, I thought about four years ago, not even making the team and how I was devastated in that, I grew from that experience. I know it's a long detour but I'm going to grow from this experience," said Lolo.

Lolo says she's hungry for the next Olympics, but she's also ready to start the next track season here at the Drake Relays.

Source: WHO TV


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